However, since Marvel is owned by Disney, I don’t see this relationship playing out the way it does in the comics - and if she is in a movie, I doubt she’ll be related to Hercules. He actually almost lost her to Spider-Man, of all people. They share a father, but they don’t share a mother, as she is the biological daughter of Zeus and Hera, and in an attempt for Hercules to reconcile with his adoptive mother after he was brought back from the dead, he married her - and they’ve stayed decently strong throughout the series run - aside from a few relationship hiccups from Hercules. The one person that he’s been with consistently for a good amount of time in the comics is Hebe, his half-sister and the Cupbearer of the Gods. Hercules is a little tamer than his father, but does dive into infidelity. Zeus, in Greek mythology, will quite literally sleep with anything that walks, and it’s not that far off in the comics.
In the Marvel Comics, Hercules is, like his father, a bit of a ladies-man. Yeah, this one makes me shiver a little too. (Image credit: Marvel Comics) Hercules Is Also Married To His Half-Sister, Hebe, In The Comics